How To Earn Online Money Mginger Finally, your phone can be used to earn you money, instead of just costing you. mGinger (haven’t worked out the name yet), allows you to read ads on your mobile, and make money from them as you read. I have just signed upto the account, and am awaiting my logon code…still waiting, but figured may as well describe the service.
Registration is straightforward, you need your name, phone number and a few location details. In addition to this, you must select 5 Interests, such as music, gaming etc, this will “fine tune” your ads that you receive. Sooooo, where’s the money, well for every ad that you receive you get 20 paisa, and for every ad that your friend gets you get 10 paisa, and if your friend’s friend’s gets an ad you get 5 paisa. Now it may not sound like much, but it could add up.
I have a question for the developers though, what if I purchased a few sim cards registered them, and then simply just sat there and watched the ads roll in, never really looked at them, how do you know I have actually read them.
Some quick maths tells you you need 5 SMS for 1 Rs, hence before you get paid i.e at 300Rs you need 1500 SMS. To me that is very very high, my phone holds around 250 SMS, and if all I got were ads, I think I would lose the plot.
You can control at what times of the day you get a message, and also what type, but for this to really strike it rich I think we need more money per message HTML clipboard mGinger |